Ninguna ciudad común
Lo que la teoría urbana crítica puede aprender de La Paz, Bolivia
DOI: clave:
Ciudad, Movilidad social, burguesía chola, La Paz, teoría crítica urbanaResumen
Este artículo explora cómo la ciudad de La Paz ha cambiado a raíz del surgimiento de la chola burguesía en Bolivia -personas que trabajan en gran parte en el comercio informal y que han sido particularmente beneficiados por el triplicado del PIB de Bolivia durante los últimos diez años. El aumento de la riqueza en los mercados informales bien establecidos en La Paz ha sido tal que las familias cuya residencia y medios de subsistencia están basados en áreas marginadas de la ciudad ahora están invirtiendo en la propiedad en el lujoso barrio de la Zona Sur. Este estudio de caso puede leerse como un ejemplo del fenómeno global de la gentrificación, aunque requiere una fuerte base empírica en las construcciones locales de clase, raza y pobreza. Sin embargo, argumento que una crítica más profunda de las teorías utilizadas para analizar los cambios urbanos es necesaria para captar las complejidades políticas, económicas y culturales de los cambios recientes en La Paz.
Albó, Xavier (1995) ‘And from Kataristas to MNRistas? The Surprising and Bold Alliance between Aymaras and Neoliberals in Bolivia’ in Van Cott, Donna Lee (ed.) (1995) Indigenous Peoples and Democracy in Latin America New York: St Martin’s Press pp 55-82.
Albó, Xavier (2004) ‘Ethnic Identity and Politics in the Central Andes: The Case of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru’ in Burt, Jo-Marie and Mauceri, Philip (eds) (2004) Politics in the Andes: Identity, Conflict, Reform, Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press pp 17-37.
Bateman, M., Maclean, K., & Galbraith, J. K. (2017). Seduced and Betrayed: Exposing the Contemporary Microfinance Phenomenon. Santa Fe, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Bourdieu, P. (2011). The forms of capital. Cultural theory: An anthology, 1, 81-93, 1986.
Brenner, N., & Theodore, N. (2005). Neoliberalism and the urban condition. City, 9(1), 101-107.
Buckley, M., & Strauss, K. (2016). With, against and beyond Lefebvre: Planetary urbanization and epistemic plurality. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(4), 617-636.
Campos, R., & Rosa, C. (2016). Complementando racionalidades: la nueva pequeña burguesía aymara en Bolivia. Revista mexicana de sociología, 78(3), 375-407.
Casanovas, N. (2017). Pollera y Ojos Verdes: Racismo en la interacción pública rutinaria La Paz, Bolivia: Plural editores.
Cavallo, E., & Serebrisky, T. (eds.). (2016). Saving for Development: How Latin America and the Caribbean Can Save More and Better. New York: Palgrave Maclmillan.
Chant, Sylvia (2002) ‘Researching Gender, Families and Households in Latin America: From the 20th into the 21st Century’ Bulletin of Latin American Research 21(4) pp 545-575.
Clark, E. (2005). The order and simplicity of gentrification: a political challenge, in Atkinson, R and Bridge, G (eds.) Gentrification in a global context: The new urban colonialism, 261-269.
Cohen, B. (2006). Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability. Technology in society, 28(1), 63-80.
Conley, H. (2012). Economic crisis, austerity and gender equality: The UK case. European Gender Equality Law Review, 2, 14-19.
Davis, M. (2006). Planet of Slums. London & New York: Verso.
De la Cadena, M. (1996). The political tensions of representations and misrepresentations: Intellectuals and mestizos in Cuzco (1919–1990). The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2(1), 112-147.
Debord, G. (2012). Society of the Spectacle. London, UK: Bread and Circuses Publishing.
De Certeau, M., & Mayol, P. (1998). The Practice of Everyday Life: Living and cooking. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
De Soto, H. (2000). The mystery of capital: Why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else. London, UK: Black Swan Books.
De Sousa Santos, B (2010) Refundación del Estado en América Latina Perspectivas desde una epistemología del Sur Lima, Peru: Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Sociedad.
Derickson, K. D. (2015). Urban geography I: Locating urban theory in the ‘urban age’. Progress in Human Geography 39(5), 647-657.
Diaz Carrasco, M. A. (2014). ‘Mujeres de pollera’ y la propuesta de descolonización del genero en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. Ciencia Política, 9(18), 133-156.
The Economist (December 15th 2010). Transfer fees: The cost of sending money home, accedido en enero de 2017. Recovered of
El Diario (26 de julio de 2016). Loteadores se amparan en problema de límites para obtener terrenos, accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
Escobar, A. (2000). Beyond the search for a paradigm? Post-development and beyond. Development, 43(4), 11-14.
Gibson-Graham, J. K. (2008). Diverse economies: performative practices for other worlds. Progress in Human Geography, 32(5), 613-632.
Glass, R. (1964) London: Aspects of Change London, UK: MacGibbon and Kee.
Goldstein, D. M. (2016). Owners of the sidewalk: Security and survival in the informal city. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Grisaffi, T. (2016). Social Control in Bolivia: A Humane Alternative to the Forced Eradication of Coca Crops. In Labate, B. C., Cavnar, C., & Rodrigues, T. (Eds.). (2016). Drug Policies and the Politics of Drugs in the Americas. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 149-166.
[The] Guardian (April 22nd 2015). Cholitas paceñas: Bolivia’s indigenous women flaunt their ethnic pride accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
Hall, S. (1986). Gramsci’s Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Journal of communication inquiry, 10(2), 5-27.
Hamilton, Sarah (1998) The Two Headed Household: Gender and Rural Development in The Ecuadorian Andes Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Harris, Olivia (1978) ‘Complementarity and Conflict: an Andean view of women and men’ in La Fontaine, Jean S (ed.) (1978) Sex and Age as Principles of Social Differentiation London, New York, San Francisco: Academic Press inc. ltd. pp 21-40.
Hart, K. (1973). Informal income opportunities and urban employment in Ghana. The journal of modern African studies, 11(1), 61-89.
Harvey, D.(2012). Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution. London, UK: Verso books.
Harvey, D. (2011). The enigma of capital: and the crises of capitalism. London, UK: Profile Books.
La Razón (06 de enero de 2013). Dueños de negocios entregan facturas por temor a clausuradas, accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
La Razón (03 de agosto de 2015) El idioma nativo ya es requisito de permanencia laboral en el Estado, accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
Lagos, M. L. (1994). Autonomy and power: the dynamics of class and culture in rural Bolivia. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Leamer, E. E., & Storper, M. (2014). The economic geography of the internet age in Cantwell, J (ed.) Location of International Business Activities: Integrating Ideas from Research in International Business, Strategic Management and Economic Geography. 63-93.
Lees, L., Shin, H. B., & López-Morales, E. (2016). Planetary gentrification. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Lister, Ruth (1997) Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Loayza Bueno, R. (2010). Halajtayata. Racismo y etnicidad en Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia: Fundemos.
McCann, E., & Ward, K. (eds.) (2011) Mobile urbanism: cities and policymaking in the global age Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
McDonough, T. (Ed.). (2004). Guy Debord and the Situationist International: texts and documents. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Maclean, K. (2007). Translation in cross-cultural research: an example from Bolivia. Development in Practice, 17(6), 784-790.
Maclean, K. (2014a). Evo’s jumper: identity and the used clothes trade in ‘postneoliberal’ and ‘pluri-cultural’ Bolivia. Gender, Place & Culture, 21(8), 963-978.
Maclean, K. (2014b). Chachawarmi: Rhetorics and lived realities. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 33(1), 76-90.
Maclean, Kate (2015) Social Urbanism and the Politics of Violence: The Medellín Miracle, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Meagher, K. (2013). Unlocking the informal economy: A literature review on linkages between formal and informal economies in developing countries. Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) Working Paper number 27, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
Monclús, F. J. (2003) The Barcelona model: and an original formula? From ‘reconstruction’ to strategic urban projects (1979–2004) Planning perspectives, 18(4) 399-421.
Morales, R., & Gómez, E. (2015). The impact of the Trade Boom on Labor Informality The Bolivian case. Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development, Working Paper, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
O’Neill, J. (2001). Building better global economic BRICs. Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
Página Siete (24 de febrero de 2017). Patzi dará a conocer límites La Paz-Palca, accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
Paredes Carvajai, J. (2006) Feminismo y Socialismo. Paper presented at the ‘Jornadas Feministas’ Workshop, Mujeres Creando, La Paz.
Peake, L., & Rieker, M. (Eds.). (2013). Rethinking feminist interventions into the urban. New York: Routledge.
Peck, J. & Tickell, A. (2002) ‘Neoliberalizing space’, Antipode 34(3): 380-404.
Phillips, Anne (1993) Democracy and Difference Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Rice, R. (2017). How to Decolonize Democracy: Indigenous Governance Innovation in Bolivia and Nunavut, Canada. Bolivian Studies Journal/Revista de Estudios Bolivianos, 22, 220-242.
Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia (ed.) (1996) Ser mujer indígena, chola o birlocha en la Bolivia postcolonial de los años 90 La Paz, Bolivia: Subsecretaría de Asuntos de Género
Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia (2005). (In) visible Realities: Internal Markets and Subaltern Identities in Contemporary Bolivia. International Institute of Social History, South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development.
Robinson, J. (2006). Ordinary cities: between modernity and development. Abingdon, UK & New York, NY: Routledge, 2013.
Roy, A. (2011). Slumdog cities: rethinking subaltern urbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35(2), 223-238.
Salazar Molina, Yolanda (2016) Arquitectura emergente: Una nueva forma de construir imaginarios urbanos en El Alto La Paz, Bolivia: Plural Editores.
Salman, T. (2016). Movimientos sociales en Bolivia en tiempos del MAS. Tinkazos-Revista Boliviana de Ciencias Sociales, 14(29) 21-43.
Sandoval, G. (2015). Diálogo La Paz:¿ ciudad moderna y sostenible? Tinkazos, 18(38), 9-33.
Sassen, S. (2001). The global city: New York, London, Tokyo. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Savage, K. & Muggah, R. (2012) Urban violence and humanitarian action: engaging the fragile city. The Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
Sheild Johansson, M. (2017). Taxing the indigenous: a history of barriers to fiscal inclusion in the Bolivian highlands. History and Anthropology, 1-18.
Simone, A. (2004). People as infrastructure: intersecting fragments in Johannesburg. Public culture, 16(3), 407-429.
Simone, A. (2010). City life from Jakarta to Dakar: movements at the crossroads. Abingdon, UK & New York, NY: Routledge.
Slater, T. (2011). Gentrification of the city. In Bridge, G., & Watson, S. (Eds.). The new Blackwell companion to the city. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. 571-585
Spivak, G. C. (2000). Translation as culture. Parallax, 6(1), 13-24.
Spivak, GC (1992) ‘The politics of translation’, in Lawrence Venuti (ed.) (2000) The Translation Studies Reader, London & New York: Routledge.
Stehlin, J. (2015). Cycles of investment: bicycle infrastructure, gentrification, and the restructuring of the San Francisco Bay Area. Environment and Planning A, 47(1), 121-137.
Tassi, N. (2017). The Native World-system: An Ethnography of Bolivian Aymara Traders in the Global Economy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Toranzo, C. (17 de septiembre de 2013). Burguesías cholas y burguesías cunumis. Página Siete. Accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de http://www.
Toranzo, C (1993) Burguesía chola, una sorpresa de la sociología boliviana, in Mario Miranda Pacheco (ed.) Bolivia en la hora de su modernización, México, DF: Universidad Autónoma de México, 285-302.
Transparency International (2017) Faulty Towers: Understanding the impact of overseas corruption on the London property market, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
[UNDESA] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision, Highlights (ST/ESA/SER.A/352).
Varley, A. (2013). Postcolonialising informality? Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31(1), 4-22.
Yuval-Davis, Nira (1997) Gender and Nation London, California; New Delhi: Sage Publications
Zeiderman, A. (2008). Cities of the future?: megacities and the space/time of urban modernity. Critical Planning, Summer: 23-39.
Albó, Xavier (1995) ‘And from Kataristas to MNRistas? The Surprising and Bold Alliance between Aymaras and Neoliberals in Bolivia’ in Van Cott, Donna Lee (ed.) (1995) Indigenous Peoples and Democracy in Latin America New York: St Martin’s Press pp 55-82.
Albó, Xavier (2004) ‘Ethnic Identity and Politics in the Central Andes: The Case of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru’ in Burt, Jo-Marie and Mauceri, Philip (eds) (2004) Politics in the Andes: Identity, Conflict, Reform, Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press pp 17-37.
Bateman, M., Maclean, K., & Galbraith, J. K. (2017). Seduced and Betrayed: Exposing the Contemporary Microfinance Phenomenon. Santa Fe, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Bourdieu, P. (2011). The forms of capital. Cultural theory: An anthology, 1, 81-93, 1986.
Brenner, N., & Theodore, N. (2005). Neoliberalism and the urban condition. City, 9(1), 101-107.
Buckley, M., & Strauss, K. (2016). With, against and beyond Lefebvre: Planetary urbanization and epistemic plurality. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(4), 617-636.
Campos, R., & Rosa, C. (2016). Complementando racionalidades: la nueva pequeña burguesía aymara en Bolivia. Revista mexicana de sociología, 78(3), 375-407.
Casanovas, N. (2017). Pollera y Ojos Verdes: Racismo en la interacción pública rutinaria La Paz, Bolivia: Plural editores.
Cavallo, E., & Serebrisky, T. (eds.). (2016). Saving for Development: How Latin America and the Caribbean Can Save More and Better. New York: Palgrave Maclmillan.
Chant, Sylvia (2002) ‘Researching Gender, Families and Households in Latin America: From the 20th into the 21st Century’ Bulletin of Latin American Research 21(4) pp 545-575.
Clark, E. (2005). The order and simplicity of gentrification: a political challenge, in Atkinson, R and Bridge, G (eds.) Gentrification in a global context: The new urban colonialism, 261-269.
Cohen, B. (2006). Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability. Technology in society, 28(1), 63-80.
Conley, H. (2012). Economic crisis, austerity and gender equality: The UK case. European Gender Equality Law Review, 2, 14-19.
Davis, M. (2006). Planet of Slums. London & New York: Verso.
De la Cadena, M. (1996). The political tensions of representations and misrepresentations: Intellectuals and mestizos in Cuzco (1919–1990). The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2(1), 112-147.
Debord, G. (2012). Society of the Spectacle. London, UK: Bread and Circuses Publishing.
De Certeau, M., & Mayol, P. (1998). The Practice of Everyday Life: Living and cooking. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
De Soto, H. (2000). The mystery of capital: Why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else. London, UK: Black Swan Books.
De Sousa Santos, B (2010) Refundación del Estado en América Latina Perspectivas desde una epistemología del Sur Lima, Peru: Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Sociedad.
Derickson, K. D. (2015). Urban geography I: Locating urban theory in the ‘urban age’. Progress in Human Geography 39(5), 647-657.
Diaz Carrasco, M. A. (2014). ‘Mujeres de pollera’ y la propuesta de descolonización del genero en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. Ciencia Política, 9(18), 133-156.
The Economist (December 15th 2010). Transfer fees: The cost of sending money home, accedido en enero de 2017. Recovered of
El Diario (26 de julio de 2016). Loteadores se amparan en problema de límites para obtener terrenos, accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
Escobar, A. (2000). Beyond the search for a paradigm? Post-development and beyond. Development, 43(4), 11-14.
Gibson-Graham, J. K. (2008). Diverse economies: performative practices for other worlds. Progress in Human Geography, 32(5), 613-632.
Glass, R. (1964) London: Aspects of Change London, UK: MacGibbon and Kee.
Goldstein, D. M. (2016). Owners of the sidewalk: Security and survival in the informal city. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Grisaffi, T. (2016). Social Control in Bolivia: A Humane Alternative to the Forced Eradication of Coca Crops. In Labate, B. C., Cavnar, C., & Rodrigues, T. (Eds.). (2016). Drug Policies and the Politics of Drugs in the Americas. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 149-166.
[The] Guardian (April 22nd 2015). Cholitas paceñas: Bolivia’s indigenous women flaunt their ethnic pride accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
Hall, S. (1986). Gramsci’s Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Journal of communication inquiry, 10(2), 5-27.
Hamilton, Sarah (1998) The Two Headed Household: Gender and Rural Development in The Ecuadorian Andes Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Harris, Olivia (1978) ‘Complementarity and Conflict: an Andean view of women and men’ in La Fontaine, Jean S (ed.) (1978) Sex and Age as Principles of Social Differentiation London, New York, San Francisco: Academic Press inc. ltd. pp 21-40.
Hart, K. (1973). Informal income opportunities and urban employment in Ghana. The journal of modern African studies, 11(1), 61-89.
Harvey, D.(2012). Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution. London, UK: Verso books.
Harvey, D. (2011). The enigma of capital: and the crises of capitalism. London, UK: Profile Books.
La Razón (06 de enero de 2013). Dueños de negocios entregan facturas por temor a clausuradas, accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
La Razón (03 de agosto de 2015) El idioma nativo ya es requisito de permanencia laboral en el Estado, accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
Lagos, M. L. (1994). Autonomy and power: the dynamics of class and culture in rural Bolivia. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Leamer, E. E., & Storper, M. (2014). The economic geography of the internet age in Cantwell, J (ed.) Location of International Business Activities: Integrating Ideas from Research in International Business, Strategic Management and Economic Geography. 63-93.
Lees, L., Shin, H. B., & López-Morales, E. (2016). Planetary gentrification. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Lister, Ruth (1997) Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Loayza Bueno, R. (2010). Halajtayata. Racismo y etnicidad en Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia: Fundemos.
McCann, E., & Ward, K. (eds.) (2011) Mobile urbanism: cities and policymaking in the global age Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
McDonough, T. (Ed.). (2004). Guy Debord and the Situationist International: texts and documents. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Maclean, K. (2007). Translation in cross-cultural research: an example from Bolivia. Development in Practice, 17(6), 784-790.
Maclean, K. (2014a). Evo’s jumper: identity and the used clothes trade in ‘postneoliberal’ and ‘pluri-cultural’ Bolivia. Gender, Place & Culture, 21(8), 963-978.
Maclean, K. (2014b). Chachawarmi: Rhetorics and lived realities. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 33(1), 76-90.
Maclean, Kate (2015) Social Urbanism and the Politics of Violence: The Medellín Miracle, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Meagher, K. (2013). Unlocking the informal economy: A literature review on linkages between formal and informal economies in developing countries. Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) Working Paper number 27, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
Monclús, F. J. (2003) The Barcelona model: and an original formula? From ‘reconstruction’ to strategic urban projects (1979–2004) Planning perspectives, 18(4) 399-421.
Morales, R., & Gómez, E. (2015). The impact of the Trade Boom on Labor Informality The Bolivian case. Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development, Working Paper, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
O’Neill, J. (2001). Building better global economic BRICs. Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
Página Siete (24 de febrero de 2017). Patzi dará a conocer límites La Paz-Palca, accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de
Paredes Carvajai, J. (2006) Feminismo y Socialismo. Paper presented at the ‘Jornadas Feministas’ Workshop, Mujeres Creando, La Paz.
Peake, L., & Rieker, M. (Eds.). (2013). Rethinking feminist interventions into the urban. New York: Routledge.
Peck, J. & Tickell, A. (2002) ‘Neoliberalizing space’, Antipode 34(3): 380-404.
Phillips, Anne (1993) Democracy and Difference Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Rice, R. (2017). How to Decolonize Democracy: Indigenous Governance Innovation in Bolivia and Nunavut, Canada. Bolivian Studies Journal/Revista de Estudios Bolivianos, 22, 220-242.
Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia (ed.) (1996) Ser mujer indígena, chola o birlocha en la Bolivia postcolonial de los años 90 La Paz, Bolivia: Subsecretaría de Asuntos de Género
Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia (2005). (In) visible Realities: Internal Markets and Subaltern Identities in Contemporary Bolivia. International Institute of Social History, South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development.
Robinson, J. (2006). Ordinary cities: between modernity and development. Abingdon, UK & New York, NY: Routledge, 2013.
Roy, A. (2011). Slumdog cities: rethinking subaltern urbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35(2), 223-238.
Salazar Molina, Yolanda (2016) Arquitectura emergente: Una nueva forma de construir imaginarios urbanos en El Alto La Paz, Bolivia: Plural Editores.
Salman, T. (2016). Movimientos sociales en Bolivia en tiempos del MAS. Tinkazos-Revista Boliviana de Ciencias Sociales, 14(29) 21-43.
Sandoval, G. (2015). Diálogo La Paz:¿ ciudad moderna y sostenible? Tinkazos, 18(38), 9-33.
Sassen, S. (2001). The global city: New York, London, Tokyo. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Savage, K. & Muggah, R. (2012) Urban violence and humanitarian action: engaging the fragile city. The Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
Sheild Johansson, M. (2017). Taxing the indigenous: a history of barriers to fiscal inclusion in the Bolivian highlands. History and Anthropology, 1-18.
Simone, A. (2004). People as infrastructure: intersecting fragments in Johannesburg. Public culture, 16(3), 407-429.
Simone, A. (2010). City life from Jakarta to Dakar: movements at the crossroads. Abingdon, UK & New York, NY: Routledge.
Slater, T. (2011). Gentrification of the city. In Bridge, G., & Watson, S. (Eds.). The new Blackwell companion to the city. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. 571-585
Spivak, G. C. (2000). Translation as culture. Parallax, 6(1), 13-24.
Spivak, GC (1992) ‘The politics of translation’, in Lawrence Venuti (ed.) (2000) The Translation Studies Reader, London & New York: Routledge.
Stehlin, J. (2015). Cycles of investment: bicycle infrastructure, gentrification, and the restructuring of the San Francisco Bay Area. Environment and Planning A, 47(1), 121-137.
Tassi, N. (2017). The Native World-system: An Ethnography of Bolivian Aymara Traders in the Global Economy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Toranzo, C. (17 de septiembre de 2013). Burguesías cholas y burguesías cunumis. Página Siete. Accedido en enero de 2017. Recuperado de http://www.
Toranzo, C (1993) Burguesía chola, una sorpresa de la sociología boliviana, in Mario Miranda Pacheco (ed.) Bolivia en la hora de su modernización, México, DF: Universidad Autónoma de México, 285-302.
Transparency International (2017) Faulty Towers: Understanding the impact of overseas corruption on the London property market, accessed in January 2017. Recovered of
[UNDESA] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision, Highlights (ST/ESA/SER.A/352).
Varley, A. (2013). Postcolonialising informality? Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31(1), 4-22.
Yuval-Davis, Nira (1997) Gender and Nation London, California; New Delhi: Sage Publications
Zeiderman, A. (2008). Cities of the future?: megacities and the space/time of urban modernity. Critical Planning, Summer: 23-39.
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