Historical processes of urban conformation, through the carnival of La Paz and the festival of Gran Poder


  • Beatriz Rossells Universidad Mayor de San Andrés




Gran Poder, La Paz city, carnival, fiesta


In the first decade of the twentieth century, the carnival groups of the elite went on the streets in a parade or procession model that has not completely left the colonial and persists until the twenty-first century. On the other hand, the entrance of the festival of Gran Poder to the city also faced several difficulties to leave a neighborhood to the urban center in the first part of the twentieth century, but once this objective was met, its development in Much of the city was spectacular. Times and social conditions had changed. In this article, we present a characterization of these transformations that allow us to understand the urban dynamics of La Paz, through two of its main popular festivals.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Rossells, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Profesor at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz) History faculty.


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Procesos históricos de conformación urbana a través del Carnaval de La Paz y la fiesta del Gran Poder



How to Cite

Rossells, B. (2020). Historical processes of urban conformation, through the carnival of La Paz and the festival of Gran Poder. Social Communication Journal, 9(9), 43–58. https://doi.org/10.35319/jcomsoc.201991183



FIRST PART: Original articles