Viscarra, Nietzsche. The virtues of genius and the communication of “superior culture”


  • Osman Choque



Viscarra, Nietzche, thinker, culture


Bolivian writer Victor Hugo Viscarra is a constant figure on whom a good number of readers have focused their attention. Review after review of his work has been appearing in the Bolivian press and, in that sense, readers have taken his writings with a blind acceptance omitting in such a way a position that goes beyond the literary frontier. The existence of any work on Viscarra’s role as a thinker, his views on politics, the customs of society itself or the imaginaries and identities in Bolivian territory is doubtful. This work aims, on the one hand, to take a critical tour of his thought from a philosophical view (particularly inspired by Nietzsche) and, on the other hand, to try to place the figure of Viscarra next to the virtues of genius and as a “critic of society”. What do Víctor Hugo Viscarra’s ideas express? Is it possible to find in your writings a critique of the way of thinking, living and acting of Bolivian society, in particular to today’s society? In short, does Viscarra’s thinking diagnose the malaise of society at that time? Answering these questions is the intention of this work.


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Author Biography

Osman Choque

Osman Choque es candidato a doctor en la Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Philosophische Fakultät. Freiburg, Alemania.


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Viscarra, Nietzsche: Las virtudes del genio y la comunicación de la “cultura superior”



How to Cite

Choque, O. (2020). Viscarra, Nietzsche. The virtues of genius and the communication of “superior culture”. Social Communication Journal, 10(10), 147–165.



FIRST PART: Original articles