Non-dualist aspects in the thought of Paulo Freire and Teilhard de Chardin and their relevance to social communication


  • Frank Gerace LaGuardia Community College



Paolo Freire, Teilhard de Chardin, Quantum Theory, monism, advaita, non-duality, nominization, citizen organization, social communication


This work is an introductory look at the possible value of quantum theory and the non-dual philosophy of Advaita in relation with civic participation. The author asks if a study of the non-dual theory and practice of Paolo Freire and Teilhard de Chardin could contribute to forms and strategies of sustainable civic participation in the twentieth century.


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Author Biography

Frank Gerace, LaGuardia Community College

Investigador independiente. Profesor en La Guardia Community College. Nueva York, Estados Unidos.


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Aspectos no-dualistas en el pensamiento de Paulo Freire y Teilhard de Chardin y su relevancia a la comunicación social



How to Cite

Gerace, F. (2022). Non-dualist aspects in the thought of Paulo Freire and Teilhard de Chardin and their relevance to social communication. Social Communication Journal, 14(14), 107–124.