Notes for an epistemology of stereotypes




stereotype, pseudoenvironment, social construction of reality, research programs


An exercise in experimental epistemology is proposed here based on the review of the concept of stereotype in the book “Public opinion” by W. Lippmann (2003 [Original: 1922]), with the purpose of laying the foundations for the construction of a research program that helps to account for the way in which stereotypes are formed, the way in which they become common sense, and the effect they produce on the judgments and behaviors of individuals. A more or less vast set of idealizing propositions extracted from the aforementioned book is presented, ordered according to criteria of 1) definition, 2) formation, 3) relationship with reality, 4) function and 5) effects. It concludes by stating that by knowing and recognizing stereotypes it is possible to predict individual and group behaviors inspired by them.


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Author Biography

Claudio Gillermo Rossell Arce, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Claudio Rossell Arce es candidato al Doctorado Multidisciplinario en Política Sociedad y Cultura, del CIDES-UMSA; docente tiempo completo y coordinador de la Maestría de Comunicación Inteligente del departamento de Comunicación Social de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”.


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 Apuntes para una epistemología de los estereotipos



How to Cite

Rossell Arce, C. G. (2022). Notes for an epistemology of stereotypes. Social Communication Journal, 14(14), 125–133.