The Catholic University: A Place to Feel at Home


  • Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi Dicasterio para la Cultura y Educación del Vaticano



Catholic University, university and education, Catholicism, Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo", Holy See, Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education


In this speech, delivered on September 6, 2023, at the Bolivian Catholic University, renowned for its rich history, academic excellence, and ecclesiastical dedication, Monsignor Cesare Pagazzi contemplates the profound significance of education in shaping the character of a university, particularly one grounded in the Catholic tradition, as it embarks on a quest for truth with unwavering hope. The author underscores the importance of recognizing the university as the ‘alma mater,’ a nurturing and inspiring entity.


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Author Biography

Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi, Dicasterio para la Cultura y Educación del Vaticano

Secretario de la Sección Educación del Dicasterio para la Cultura y Educación del Vaticano. Doctor en Teología por la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana (1996).

La universidad católica: un lugar para sentirse en casa



How to Cite

Cesare Pagazzi, G. (2023). The Catholic University: A Place to Feel at Home. Social Communication Journal, (17), 139–145.