
Journal de Comunicación Social declares its respect for author rights based on Bolivia's Copyright Law N° 1322, in accordance with the Copyright Regulations of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

Article 6 of this law "declares the protection of authors' rights over their literary, artistic, and scientific works, regardless of the mode or form of expression used and regardless of their purpose."

The journal respects the moral rights of authors over their work, which are perpetual, inalienable, imprescriptible, and irrevocable. Therefore, the contribution submitted to the journal always retains authorship. Furthermore, the journal declares itself as open-access, meaning it does not seek any economic gain from the authors' intellectual property rights. In this regard, it affirms that authors retain all copyright ownership of their article.

In the event that authors wish to reproduce their article in part or in full in other media after it has been published in the journal, they can send a note to the Editorial Committee of the journal to communicate this decision. Additionally, in the medium of publication, the author must include a footnote specifying that the article was originally published in the Journal of Communication Studies, detailing the volume, issue number, and DOI of the article.

Articles should not be undergoing evaluation processes in any other dissemination medium. The author grants the property rights of the article until the journal publishes it or communicates to the author that it will not be published.

The Journal of Communication Studies supports the protection of copyright for each contribution under the framework of the following regulations:

   - Law 1322 (1992). Bolivia: Copyright Law, April 13, 1992. Supreme Decree 23907 (1994). Bolivia:

   - Supreme Decree N° 23907, December 7, 1994.