Ethics and Best Practices Guidelines

Ensuring academic quality in each issue is of paramount importance to the Journal de Comunicación Social, which is why it upholds the ethical principles of the contributions published in the journal. To this end, anonymity is preserved throughout all evaluation phases. The journal also values works that contribute to the joint publication of experienced researchers and young investigators.

Authors must pay special attention to protecting the identity of primary research sources and obtaining authorization for their publication. They must also take responsibility for the content of the submitted article, ensuring its originality, accuracy, use of sources, and co-authorship.

The journal places significant importance on contributions being written with an inclusive language, free from biases related to age, disability, gender, social origin, sexual orientation, or religion, among others. In the event that discriminatory or exclusive biases are identified in the content or writing, adjustments will be requested or the article may be rejected.

Lastly, the author must assume legal responsibility for their statements.