Holistic optics: passion and disenchantment with religious life today

A search for the sense of happiness in community life


  • Rosa Damai Rahayu Catholic University of Bolivia “San Pablo”




authentic identity, fraternal relationships, evangelization, digital era, the sense of happiness, ecclesial openness, holistic viewpoint


Psychosocial changes as opportunity and challenges for Religious Life and for the Catholic Church today are comparatively different and perhaps deeper in relation to the time of Vatican II reforms. Self-giving and consecration to Christ are the aims of Religious Life, by the action of the Holy Spirit, and it tries to respond to the demands of today’s world according to its foundational charism. In a world prone to disillusion, where everything seems provisional and relative, Religious Life tries to build its authentic identity as consecrated people who train themselves in discernment and develop their capacity for fraternal relationships, freely and joyfully taking on board gratuitousness. In the face of those changes, it maintains its principal vocation to evangelize and relate with others in the digital era, and in each community together build a new path and cultivate authentic human relationships. This paper offers a reflection from the perspective of socialcomunitarian psychology, which achieves the establishment of dialogue from the starting point of the outlook of different authors with ecclesial openness. A quantitative methodology with creative and significant proposals is presented, including: 1) The sense of passion and the sense of community life; 2) The identity of Religious Life oriented towards prophetic dialogue; 3) Holistic missionary religious training; 4) Contextual mission: passion for humanity—the world is our house. Surveys and other instruments are applied to 1) Religious who live their consecration; 2) Lay people of various ages; 3) Ex-religious. This investigation’s contribution is to find possibilities and the necessary inclination in order to take on a new plan for Religious Life according to the models of paradigmatic change.


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Author Biography

Rosa Damai Rahayu, Catholic University of Bolivia “San Pablo”

Rosa Damai Rahayu was born in Indonesia to an Islamic family and converted to Christianity. She is a member of the Servants of the Holy Spirit Missionary Congregation (SSpS). Teacher and researcher at the Latin American Institute of Missiology of the UCB in Cochabamba, where he coordinated the project "Reality and challenges of religious life in Bolivia ”(2007-2009), the basis of her doctoral thesis. Teacher and researcher in the Institute's graduate program Superior of Pastoral Studies-Indonesian Pastoral Institute Malang (2010-2017). Program director Human Relationship and Promotion in Pastoral Pusat Keuskupan Malang Indonesia-PPKM (2011-2017). The Doctoral Program in Psychology at UCB (2018). She published several books and articles on her missionary experience,. product of their investigations.


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La óptica holística: pasión y desencanto de la vida religiosa de hoy



How to Cite

Damai Rahayu, R. . (2020). Holistic optics: passion and disenchantment with religious life today: A search for the sense of happiness in community life. Social Communication Journal, 7(7), 15–47. https://doi.org/10.35319/jcomsoc.201871177



FIRST PART: Original articles